Interior Design

| Sound Descending Room |

Project Scope

The client contacted us with a request of remodeling a certain premise but emphasized on sound descending technique in order to enjoy leisure time without any interruption.

Cubic Feet Design provided just that by installing the latest SPF sheets on the wall which is the best available technique in the market in order to conceal the sounds.

Location Location: Saba Avenue, Karachi, Pakistan
Completed Status: Completed
Area Area: 368 sqft
Architect Architect: Cubic Feet Design

Project Details

The project completed by Cubic Feet Design is aligned with the latest technology and we take immense pride in providing our clients the best as always!

We recently furnished and remodeled a residential project that demanded complete privacy and had specifically mentioned that they do not want to disturb anyone with their activities nor want to get disturbed during their prime working hours.

Cubic Feet Design came up with a solution by installing sound descending foam which works as an adhesive as well as conceals the sound created inside the premises.

What is a Sound Descending foam?

Sound descending foam insulates the walls with low-pressure sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF).

It is fast becoming common practice amongst architects and builders as it increases the overall structural support, energy efficiency, and comfort level of the said premises.

The sound descending foam can serve multiple purposes in a building such as mitigating the noise from the outside to enhancing the quiet office space on the inside.

It also serves as the best insulator for the multimedia environment where excessive noise can be an issue. This is one of the most cost-effective sound-reduction methods which is being adopted across the world rapidly.

The sound descending foam technique works perfectly in mitigating airborne sound. It fills the voids in walls which automatically curbs the resonance keeping the sound from entering or leaving the designated space or room.

Cubic Feet Design - Detail

Cubic Feet Design - Detail

How did the Cubic Feet Design apply this technology?

The experts at Cubic Feet Design ensure that the demand of the client of sound descending is fulfilled completely. We covered the hallway and lounge with the low-pressure sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) so that the client can experience a cinema-like feel while enjoying the multimedia entertainment.

We concealed the walls with wooden sheets and over that we placed these SPF sheets in order to conceal the minutest possible sound from entering or leaving the premises. Wooden flooring was done in order to retain the quality of the walls and align the whole room according to one theme.

The client was pleased after visiting the newly remodeled premises and we were glad to serve them with an intention of attaining a loyal client for future.

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Cubic Feet Design provided just that by installing the latest SPF sheets on the wall which is the best available technique in the market in order to conceal the sounds.

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